Showing posts with label no-sew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label no-sew. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2012

T Shirt Scarves

I know I said way back when that I wanted to do a post about the t-shirts scarves that I found on Pinterest and made for Christmas presents.  I have put it off because, even though I made several of them, I only made one style for my presents.  There are several variations that I wanted to try and make, but I have been so busy with other things the t-shirts for the new projects continue to sit on the shelf and call out to me.  I definitely want to make more scarves, as well as some other ideas I found, all using just plain old t-shirts.  I have had several people who check in on my blog ask about the scarves, so rather than keep everybody waiting on my schedule to clear, I decided to go ahead and at least share the first scarves with you all.

 Pinned Image
This is pinned to my Pinterest Board "Christmas Present Ideas"

If you look thru the "Christmas Present Ideas" as well as my "DIY & Crafts" boards you will see some of the other scarf ideas that I still want to try.  It will happen!!  Just not exactly sure when.........

This is hands down the easiest project I have ever done!  Seriously only took like 5 minutes to make.  I did cheat a little bit.  I knew this was gonna' be one of my Christmas presents to all the girls and while I was wandering the aisles of Michaels, my favorite store ever!  I came across some strips of t-shirt material.  I wouldn't normally buy it because at regular price I could very easily by 3 t-shirts, cut them up myself and have at least 6 times more strips of material to work with, but these were on clearance for $2.49 and I knew that plain t-shirts at Walmart ran about $3.49. I assumed you would get about the same amount of strips to work with but after buying the shirts and cutting them up, I found that you get almost double the strips from a shirt. Oh well, lesson learned.  

I got out my t-shirts and started cutting.  The strips I bought at Michaels were about 1/2 inch wide and I knew I wanted to make all the scarves relatively the same so made sure to cut the t-shirt at the same width, but you can cut them any size you like.  Some of the info I read said that the wider you cut your strips the fuller the look of the scarf.

I mentioned before that I could not live without my rotary cutter.  It makes so many of my projects 100 times easier and this was definitely one of them.  But if you don't have one, this project can still be done easily enough.  Will just take a little longer.

The instructions said to use XL to XXL shirt so that your strips will be longer, but if you wanted it to be smaller, you could use whatever size shirt you want.  Once all the strips are cut, you just gather up your strips. Again, since I had pre-bought the strips and there were only 12 strips in the packet, I stuck with that game plan and only used 12 strips from the shirt even though at 1/2 each you have at least 6-8 more.  I will use the extra for another project at another time, but you can use them all for yours.  Grab the inside of the loops and stretch as far as you can.  The edges immediately curl for you!!  All you do then is just tie them all together.  I cut off a strip from the arm and used that to tie them.

I did tie them all with the t-shirt material first and that looked great as is.  You could totally be finished at this point if you wanted.  But I decided I wanted to add a little extra.  These are some that I had found some pretty broaches and pinned them over the area where I tied them all together.

I also had some leftover ribbon from another project that I used on some other gifts.  Sorry didn't get pictures of those for you, but you get the idea.

If you would rather purchase the scarves, the picture from my Pinterest board is from the Etsy shop "BlueEyesAndBareFeet" they are for sale for $19.50 each and she makes the pretty flowers to put on hers.  Also, if you do some checking on Pinterest, you will find many different ways that you can wear these scarves.  The pictures I took of mine are with them doubled, but I have seen them used in several different ways that are equally cool.

                                 I would definitely recommend you give this project a try!!
There are LOTS more scarf ideas - vests - dressed up tee's and MUCH more!!  I want to do them all and most certainly will - just not exactly sure when..........

                                                     Just a plain old t-shirt - who knew!!

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