Ok, so this is kinda' stretching it on my Pinterest inspired blog, but this has been an exciting day for me that I just had to share!!
I guess I should back up and tell you what this story is all about. Back in May, I had done a 4 foot by 4 foot painting of a Poppy field for my best friend and had taken it to the UPS store to have them package it and mail it. While I was there, a lady saw the painting, 4 foot by 4 foot is kinda' hard to miss right? Anyway, she saw it and told me that she worked at the local art gallery and she had never seen a painting like mine. I do a lot of three dimensional accents to my paintings. She said that I had to bring some of my work into the gallery! It was a huge compliment and I was completely shocked and thrilled, and frankly, a little scared. What if they didn't like my work. I'm just now beginning to feel like I might be able to do this, what if I got shot down. Would it destroy all the confidence that I had started to build when it came to my talents? All of this was running thru my head and even though I knew I would eventually get up the courage to do it, I kept putting it off.
In October, my daughter-in-law, Jayme, had ask for a painting of the Northern Lights for her birthday present which was coming up in November. I hadn't even planned to do a painting for her this year, I know she loves my paintings, but I kinda' felt like I might be overwhelming them with paintings. But she ask for it, so, of course, it was hers!! I painted it for her and I have to say, I thought it turned out pretty good. Jayme said that it was her favorite painting that I had done for her so far.
That gave me the idea that I should do a much larger version to take to the Art Gallery. I made the decision to try and get it painted and to take it to the gallery in time for Christmas shopping. It was exciting to work on it, but I had to keep reminding myself to relax and enjoy it. I was putting way too much pressure on myself to make it perfect. Finally, I finished it and I really do think it turned out really good. But, still, I couldn't bring myself to take it to the gallery. Those nagging insecurities got the best of me. I have to say in my defense that I did proudly display it in my own little art section in Danny's shop!
So, today, a friend came by to visit that we hadn't seen since last April. He was out in the shop with my husband, Danny and he came and told me that Ken was here visiting. As always, when he comes to visit we have to go have lunch at our favorite Thai Restaurant. Before we headed out though, I told him that I had stolen a portion of Danny's Man Cave for my own goodies and to come up and see. I took him up to look around and he saw my Northern Lights Painting. He said that he loved it and wanted it!! I just looked at him and said, "Really?!" He laughed and said, "Yes, how much?" He bought it!! Holy Moly, he bought it!
Everyone tells me that I shouldn't be shocked when people want to buy my work, but, honestly, I hope the thrill of knowing someone likes my work enough to pay for it never wears off. It's exciting and humbling at the same time. I know I still have to work thru those nagging little voices of insecurity, and believe me, today helped me move in that direction!! Thank you Liz and Jayme for your belief in me and my work!! I am very honored that God gave me this talent and I'm also very proud that I am trying to use it to the best of my ability.
Hey!! This does connect to Pinterest, because I also use a lot of the photography for inspiration for other work that I want to do and I found one that just might be my inspiration for my next painting of the Northern Lights. I do need to do another Northern Lights painting after all. And who knows, maybe this one will actually make it into a gallery.
What do you think?
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